Remember I am an Aussie, so I use Australian/ UK terms in this pattern.
Charmed Prayer Shawl
This stitch is called Diamond Lattice. I found it in an old crochet stitch library and I am unsure of its origin. There are 4 rows to the pattern and it works up quite quickly. I added little metal charms at each end. I found these at the craft shop; however make sure that the holes are large enough for your yarn to thread through. I ended up with some ever so cute dragon flies which I couldn’t use as the holes were too narrow!
My green shawl was made of some angora and goat hair yarn that was made in Turkey. From memory I used about 4 - 5balls (100 gms balls). I like the tension on these to be quite loose so I used a 6mm hook.
You need a multiple of 10st plus 5, and then add 3 for the foundation row. I used 58ch and worked the shawl until it was 150cm or 59in long. The width was about 80cm or 30inches. I didn’t think to measure the tension however make your start ch and measure it unstretched to get an idea of the final shawl width. Fortunately these aren’t an exact science as long as the pattern multiples work out. This pattern has quite a bit a stretch and makes a lovely snugly shawl that feels like a warm hug.
I haven’t tested this so I hope it works out. THIS IS IN AUSTRALIAN / UK TERMS.
Our tr = USA dc
Our dc = USA sc
Our dtr = USA tr
Our lollie = USA candy!
Row 1. 4tr into 5th ch from hook, *9ch, miss 9ch, 4tr into next ch, repeat from *till last 2st, miss 1ch, 1tr last st, turn.
Row 2. 3ch start, miss 2tr, make 4tr between 2nd and 3rd tr of prev row, *9ch miss 9ch, 4tr between 2nd and 3rd tr of next group of 4tr. Repeat from * across row, 1tr in top of turning ch
Row 3. This row requires some concentration but once you get the hang of it is easy.
3ch start, 4tr between centre 2nd and 3rd tr of 4tr group.
*4ch, miss 4ch working over previous chain (so as to trap them) work 1dc into 5th ch of the first row, TURN and work back along the 4ch thus: 3ch start, 6dtr over the 4ch loop, now TURN, 3ch start missing first dtr, 1tr into each of next 5dtr, 1tr into top of 3ch (this is the diamond in the pattern), miss 4ch, 4tr between the 2nd and 3rd tr of the next 4ch group, repeat from *across , 1tr into top of start ch, turn.
Row 4. 3ch start, 4tr between centre 2nd and 3rd tr of 4tr group, *9ch, miss diamond, 4tr between centre 2nd and 3rd tr of 4tr group, rep from * across, 1tr in top of start ch.
This will look a bit odd as the chains will appear quite loopy.
Row 5. Work as for row 2.
Row 6. Work as for row 2.
Row 7. This is a repeat of row 3 however make 1dc into the top corner of the Diamond, working over the 3 rows of 9ch so as to catch them.
The pattern repeat is from rows 4 – 7. When your shawl is long enough, work till row 6 of the repeat - you will have 2 rows of 9ch loops.
3ch start, miss 2tr, make 2tr between 2nd and 3rd tr of prev row, *9ch add a charm by pulling the loop through the charm hole, make another 9ch then slst into top of tr, 2tr between 2nd and 3rd tr, 4ch, 1dc into tip of previous diamond, 4ch repeat from * across, 1tr top of start ch, finish off.
The bottom edge is worked in the same as the top edge. Join yarn at start edge and repeat as above. Because the pattern is upside down you will need to align the dc with the bottom corner of each diamond, and work the tr into the ch at the base of the 4tr in row 1.

When I gave the shawl to my friend wrapped up as a gift, she asked me would it make her cry? I said maybe, but not for long as it will keep you warm. The next day she sent me this email, which brought a tear to my eye.
“ Dear Susan,
The answer is yes, I did cry and yes it will keep me warm.
What a beautiful gift. I am very touched and will treasure the shawl forever, particularly in light of the beautiful words you have written. It will indeed be a hug from (my daughter).
It has been a very very difficult journey and to be honest it was far more difficult and emotionally draining before (my daughter) passed away. Now there seems to be an emotional tearful period every day, albeit reducing in size. I will keep the shawl close by so I can have a 'hug' when I need it most.
You cannot begin to understand how much I appreciate such thoughtfulness and support. I think the tangible support of friends does reinforce that you are not alone and people are thinking about you - that in itself provides enormous strength, so thank you very much.
Losing a child as about the worst thing that could ever happen but I feel very privileged to have shared such a journey so intimately and to have developed such a wonderful relationship with my daughter. I saw her mature in a way that I think many people strive for all their lives and never succeed. I also witnessed her strength and courage and I sincerely pray that when confronted with my own mortality I am able to be as faithful, gracious and brave.
Thank you so much.”
If you have any difficulties following the pattern please leave me a message.
Hello! I'm prepping to share your pear pattern on my blog ( on Thusrday - and saw that you posted! yay! It is good to see you back! And I LOVE that shawl. It is gorgeous. Just another thing to add to my ever growing to do list! Thanks for writing it out and sharing, and for the touching story behind it.
Your shawl is absolutely beautiful - I would love to try this pattern. Such a beautiful gift, especially to someone who is grieving. I do have a question - per your instructions, in Row 1, after the asterisk, 9 ch, miss 9 ch, - should this read 4 tr into next ch?
Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks Andrea, thats spell check for ya! It is indeed 4 tr.
this is beautiful! thanks so much for sharing. :)
Very nice work! Congratulations!
Working on this pattern and it is working out beautiful. God bless you for sharing.
I am entering a contest for prayer shawls...I was wondering if you would allow me to use this if I cannot find another that I find unique enough, for this is beautifully done and extremely unique. I would be using different yarn and hook gauge so it would be different, I would just like to use the pattern. My email is please contact me and let me know. It is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you kindly, Amanda Durflinger
hi!!! very nicxe and creative blog! your creations are beautifull.Happy Easter from Argentina
i am french so excuse my language
i want to say i love what are tou doing!
That's beautiful
I love the prayer shawl, it really is pretty. I've also put together a great page with some crochet shawl patterns you might love to make yourself. You can find the page at
Hello, Lee from Ohio in the USA. Thank you for the pattern, it will be used and donated to those who need. I just want to say that, the making of,is as much a comfort as the receiving of an item. Again thank you for sharing and wishes for many hours of needlework.
I'm an editor at and I wanted to let you know we have linked to your pattern at I think it's a lovely pattern and I was hoping you would give us permission to feature it in an upcoming newsletter. Please let me know if this would be okay.
I am making this for myself! It works up lovely and I had no problem changing it to American crochet terms. thank you for sharing such a lovely piece of art with all of us. I will be honored to wear it and I hope to make one for my dearest friend too!
I belong to a bereavement group since the death of our daughter, Jordan Rebekah. She was stillborn back in March of 2008. I began crocheting little hats, booties, and blankets for the babies, and keepsakes for their parents. I have made a prayer shawl for the mothers who last thier babies to miscarriage. I will be adding this one to my list if that is ok? It's beautiful.
I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing this pattern. I live in VA in the USA and am a member of a prayer shawl ministery at my church. I decided to use this pattern for a shawl as I have been looking for a new pattern to use. I just wanted to let you know I have been getting nothing but compliments on it. I just finished it tonight and plan on sending it to a family memeber that recently found out that she has skin cancer as soon as it is blessed. Thank you again for sharing.
Thought you would like to know that I posted the link to this pattern on today.
It's terrific and absolutely beautiful. Thanks for making it available.
Amazing shawl!Y dont undestand very well the pattern because my inglish is not very good.Y understand better the diagrams,Can you send me a diagram
of this wonderfull stich?
Thank you very much:
Nancy Uze
Hi Cupcake. I just found your blog and this beautiful shawl. I look forward to looking at other posts on your blog, but this scarf is so beautiful, I haven't checked anything else out yet. :)
I just purchased some Alpaca yarn so I can make this.
I have a question. Are you saying that you chained 58 for your foundation row? The reason I'm asking is because you mentioned using 10 chains + 5 +3. Wouldn't that mean that your 58 chains are incorrect because it's not evenly divided by 18 (the 10+5+3)?
Thanks for you help.
I love this..its just beautiful!
Can you tell me what size hook you used for this shawl pattern?
hi, this is monica from n.y. i'm doing this pattern of the prayer shawl and was wondering if the the boo boo on the first row was EDITED in the written directions at all or do WE edit it as we are crocheting it....i'm a little confused can u please help me out i'm so excited to start this... monica
I just found your gorgeous shawl..can't wait to make it. You also said that you would be doin the green shawl?? I would love to know where to see it and how to make it. You have a wonderful talent. Thank you for sharing. Donna
Susan, I love, love your Charmed Prayer Shawl! I started a Prayer Shawl Ministry at my church in Wichita, Kansas USA, 4 years ago and I am always looking for unique patterns. I'm not a good crocheter but have many friends who can help me. I read over the other comments and I guess I need to know if the changes have been made to the pattern that were mentioned by Monica about Row 3? My email is will be anxious to hear back from you. This is a beautiful piece of art. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern with us. God's Blessings! Maggie
bless you for the tea cozy pattern! american by birth - brit/irish/danish by report - french/danish/austrian by ancient history. love your work. will be buying patterns soon for your fabulous lorikeets and others. thanks again! fredw/karenb
A great way will I try it Thank you
I stumbled upon your shawl while looking foir a shaw3l pattern for a first communion for 2 of 5 granddaughters, such a touching story and beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
to Laina: you asked (I have a question. Are you saying that you chained 58 for your foundation row? The reason I'm asking is because you mentioned using 10 chains + 5 +3. Wouldn't that mean that your 58 chains are incorrect because it's not evenly divided by 18 (the 10+5+3)?) When figuring how many chains to start, you use the multiple of 10 (times the number of patterns you wish to complete) in this case 5 for a total of 50, then add the 5+3, for a total of 58.
Hope this helps.
Your shawl is absolutely beautiful! As are you for making it for a grieving friend. I wanted to make the shawl as soon as I saw it, but your story touched me as well. I too have lost a child. From now on I will always think of a shawl as a hug from my son. Thank you so much.
I just found this tonight and love the shawl and the story behind it. I can see how it would feel like a hug to wear. I am adding this pattern to my (long) list of future projects and thank you so much for sharing!
Hello and God Bless You for sharing the absolutely beautiful Charmed Prayer Shawl. I have written out the instructions with the USA conversion and I am working at completing the shawl. I also would like to have a printed diagram. I've drawn what my understanding of the instructions are, but it would help so very much to have a diagram. Thank you so much.I have a relative who has cancer and has just found that it has gone to her brain. I want to make one for her.
Hi there, this is gorgeous! I will definitely be adding it to my list of projects at least for gifts.
I was also wondering if I could sell this in my shop as a fundraiser for a young woman who used to babysit for me. Her story is here:
Please let me know one way or the other, and no matter what you say this will definitely be going into my "for gifts only" file. :-D
Thanks so much!
Chris M.
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