This is called the Daisy Chain Beanie which uses up small bits of yarn for the flowers, joins them together and then creates a hat. They look good with a plain black or white background but I have experimented using different colours for the brim and edging.
Now the crochet enthusiasts will go wow, some might think this is destined for what not to crochet!
I personally like the colour and think they are great to donate to charities or to keep any little kids head warm.
So I post the pattern here for all the scrapaholics to enjoy. There are 2 sizes and you will have to experiment with the sizing. I suspect our yarn down here in Australia might be a bit lighter than the worsted stuff in the US.
I do ask that you respect my copyright. It has taken me a while to design this and write the instructions up so please don't copy, paste to the web, redistribute or sell my patterns. I also ask that in the spirit of paying it forward (PIF) if you do use this pattern for yourself, that you also make an extra hat for a charity.
Finished items are not to be sold.
......and it is nice to know who is doing what with my patterns so please leave a comment.
Daisy Chain Beanie
scrapbuster project
(c) crochetroo designs from Australia
This pretty beanie is made from scraps of 8ply, worsted weight yarn with a 4mm, J6 hook. Make each flower in a different colour, or use different colours for the flower centre. Approximate lengths of yarn for each round are given so you can estimate how to use up your scraps. Weave in your ends as you go. I use a steel hook to pull these into the work.
Australian/British instructions are first, American instructions are second in [square brackets]. I suggest you highlight the ones you need to follow.
While I have made a few of these, the pattern hasn't been tested by others. If you find any errors please let me know.
Sizing: this will depend on your tension and yarn the following is a guide only. My flowers measure 8cm/ 3inches across.
Small (Toddler) = 8 flowers, 44cm/17inches circumference, 17cm/6 ½ inches height,
Large (Child - Teen) = 8 flowers, 50cm/19½ inch circumference, 19cm/ 7 ½ inches height
1. 4ch slst into a ring, 2ch 9htr [hdc] into ring, slst join = 10 (110 cm or 45 inches of yarn)
2. 1ch (1dc [sc] into next st, 4ch, miss 1) 5times slst join into first st. You should have 5 loops (90cm or 37inches of yarn)
3. Into each of the ch loops work (1dc[sc], 1htr[hdc], 1tr[dc], 2ch, 1tr[dc], 1htr[hdc], 1dc[sc]) slst finish off = 5 petals (250cm or 100inches of yarn)
For the large size replace the 2ch with 3ch for extra stretch.
Joining Daisies:
Sizing: this will depend on your tension and yarn the following is a guide only. My flowers measure 8cm/ 3inches across.
Small (Toddler) = 8 flowers, 44cm/17inches circumference, 17cm/6 ½ inches height,
Large (Child - Teen) = 8 flowers, 50cm/19½ inch circumference, 19cm/ 7 ½ inches height
1. 4ch slst into a ring, 2ch 9htr [hdc] into ring, slst join = 10 (110 cm or 45 inches of yarn)
2. 1ch (1dc [sc] into next st, 4ch, miss 1) 5times slst join into first st. You should have 5 loops (90cm or 37inches of yarn)
3. Into each of the ch loops work (1dc[sc], 1htr[hdc], 1tr[dc], 2ch, 1tr[dc], 1htr[hdc], 1dc[sc]) slst finish off = 5 petals (250cm or 100inches of yarn)
For the large size replace the 2ch with 3ch for extra stretch.
Joining Daisies:
Flower 3: Join as for flowers 1 and 2 but check that placement matches the picture above. Every second daisy has a loose petal that points up or down.
You will need to join them in a circle when you work the last flower by catching 2 petals to flower 7 and 2 petals to flower 1.
Beanie Crown
Rounds 1 – 6 of the crown are worked with the stitches between the posts. Start each round with 3ch which counts a 1tr[dc], slst join at the end of each round.
1. Join main yarn to the ch space in any spare petal with a slst, 1dc[sc] into same sp, *3ch, 1dc[sc] between this petal and the next petal, 3ch, 1dc[sc] at petal join, 3ch, 1dc[sc] between next 2 petals, 3ch, 1dc[sc] tip of spare petal* repeat in this manner until you get back to the start dc[sc], slst join. You should have 24 of the 3ch loops.
2. 1ch space, *2dc[sc] into ch sp, 2htr[hdc] next ch sp, 2tr[dc] next ch sp, 2tr[dc] next ch sp, 2htr[hdc] next ch sp, 2dc[sc] next ch sp* work from * to * 4 times, slst join in start ch= 48
For the larger size work 1ch between each set of 2st.
3. 3ch start, 1tr[dc] same st, (this should be between 2 groups of 2dc[sc]), (miss 2st, 2tr[dc] in sp) around = 48st or 24 groups
4. For larger size only repeat round 3 = 48st
5. Slst to next sp, 3ch, (counts as 1tr[dc]) miss 2st, (2tr[dc] next sp, miss 2st, 1tr[dc] next sp) around, slst join = 36st
6. Slst to next sp, 3ch start, (miss 2st, 1tr[dc] in sp, miss 1, 1tr[dc] in sp) around. Slst join = 24st
7. You will work into the loops of the stitches from round 7 onwards.
3ch start, (2trtog [dctog], 1tr[dc] next st) around = 16st
8. 3ch, (2tr[dc] tog) around (you will finish with 1tr[dc]), slst finish off leaving 6inches/15cm of yarn. Weave loose end through the top of the loops and pull up tight, stitch in ends to secure.
Brim band
1. Working on opposite side of daisies repeat round 1 as for hat crown.
2. Slst to next ch space, *2dc[sc] into ch sp, 1ch, 2htr[hdc] next ch sp, 1ch, 2tr[dc] next ch sp, 1ch, 2tr[dc] next ch sp, 1ch, 2htr[htr] next ch sp, 1ch, 2dc[sc] next ch sp ,1ch* work from * to * 4 times , slst join in start dc.= 48 (this is the same as round 2 for the round but with 1ch worked between the groups of stitches)
3. Small size as for round 3 of crown, then work the edge
3 - 4 Large size repeat round 2 of band with the extra 1ch between the sets of 2. (You can do as many extra rows as you want to add length to your hat.)
1. 1dc[sc] between first pair of tr[dc], (3ch, miss 2tr[dc], 1dc[sc] in space) around. Slst join.
2. 3dc[sc] into each 3ch sp around, slst join and weave in ends.
This looks good in a contrast colour. For a larger hat you may need to work 2 rounds of round 3.
Daisy Chain Head Band
1. Make a daisy chain as for a hat.
2. Work both sides of daisies as for rounds 1 and 2 of the brim band
3. Work a final round of 1dc[sc] into each st and each ch space on both edges of your head band.
Using this technique you can also make a scarf.

Have fun and please send me pictures of your finished hats so I can show the world!
I sure hope these don't wind up on what not to crochet - they are adorable, and my 8YO and 4YO daughters are begging for them! Great idea!
So cute! I'm looking for a hat to make for a friend's birthday... I think I'll give this one a try. I like your idea. :)
They are so cute You are very clever. I will be making one each for my 5 granddaughters. Thanks for sharing it
Thanks for leaving a comment. I have had over 4,000 hits on this hat over the last few days, and 3 comments. It is nice to have you say hello!
These hats look adorable! I am trying to make one for my daughter and need some help!! I'm on round 5 of the beanie crown and can't make sense of the repeats - I can't get my stitches to add to 36 - I'm "translating" to the American instructions, don't know if this is causing my problem.
My "translation" is as follows - slip st to next space, chain 3, skip 2 st, (2dc in next space, skip 2 st, 1dc in next space) - is this right so far? What do I start the repeat with 2dc in next stitch immediately following the 1 dc? Or do I skip 2 st (after the 1 dc) then start over with 2dc in next st, skip 2, 1 dc?????? I'm SOOO confused! I hope I am making sens and that you can help!
This design is precious. I love the design you have shared. Thank you for your artistry!
Hi there tkhammil.
What you are doing is decreasing the number of stitches so you should have (2dc in one space, 1dc in the next)The space is the gap between the 2dc groups.
I hope that makes sence.
That is so cool.
I love these hats! They are so bright and colorful! Thank you for being so gracious as to let us have the pattern.
Brenda in Illinois in the U.S.A.
hey! I'm from the USA. Umm.. really enjoyed the pattern, I have so many scraps I don't know what to do with them all. However, the bits are various textures and weights, but I'm going to see what happens. Hope it works! Thanks for the pattern.
I don't follow patterns well-but I can follow pictures, so I may give it a go. I don't care if its on What not to crochet anyway, its still cute. I collect old patterns from the seventys and think that they were cool then and are still cool.
Hi, such a cute hat. I just whipped one up today using Red Heart Super Saver Yarn and an I hook following the American directions for a small hat. I was going to make it for my 3 year old niece. Guess what? I ended up with a had for me instead! So I hope everyone learns from my goof! Lets see what happens with smaller yarn and smaller hook...
I hope to use this to make
a Beanie for Chemo patients
at a hospital on an
Air Force Base in
the USA. Thank you.
Just came across your blog & this hat pattern ... I wanted to say thank you as I too will be making this for my granddaughters.
Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Also great idea to make one for charity.
What a wonderful creation! It can be used for any size with correct adjustments. Chemo patients will love the colors used to help brighten their day.
Not to mention children that love color.
Great Job!
Joy in Hickory North Carolina USA
this is sooooo cute! I knit/crochet mostly for charity and this pattern looks perfect for that! Thank you! Lots of other neat stuff on your website too.
S in California, USA
This was posted today on Free Crochet Pattern of the Day from the Daily Crocheter. Hope you get lots of hits. Snohomish, WA, USA
Thank you for this pattern. I was looking for a pattern to make for a friend and the comment that using super-saver and an I hook worked to make this for an adult sounds perfect for this. In accordance with your request, I will make another one to give to a charity.
I live in the USA, in Florida, but have a bit of Australia on my shoulder, my little cockatiel.
Thanks for this pattern.
this is too cute, can't wait to try it!
Hello! I am part of an internet group of ladies from the United States. 95% of what we crochet goes to charity and my charity of choice is a Native American reservation in Montana. I crochet hundreds of hats each year to send to them. This hat is just adorable! I can't seem to follow written instructions, but can follow pictures so I am going to try this pattern. I love making hats. Thank you so much for sharing this pattern! It is the cutest hat I have ever seen!
wow! It so cool to have so many crochet enthusisasts from across the globe pop in. Have a Safe and Peaceful Christmas.
Hi, I am from India and just love your Daisy chain beanie.I think I am going to make it. At present I am making chemo caps for cancer patients as cahrity.I will use this pattern for a few of them.
A very happya nd prosperous and a safe new year to you and your family.
Of all the crochet hats I have looked at online, this pattern is one of the top 3. I have plenty of scraps and this will be fun!
I love this idea! I especially like the bold colors in the black hat with jeweltone flowers...gorgeous! And FUN! I do think you should remove the "what not to crochet" paragraph from your blog confident in your beautiful design!!!
Oh Cupcake! Another wonderful pattern! It is a great idea for stash busting! Your patterns are the best!
What an adorable hat. I made the directions into a PDF file to make it easier to print. E-mail me and I'can send it to you to put on your blog.
Hello Cupcake
Hi my name is Tania and i am a aboriginal woman from queensland. I have just got into crocheting and boy cupcake i cannot stop.It is so addicitive. Love your site and your beautiful bright patterns. Looking forward 2 crocheting one of your patterns.Safe journey and happy sailing cupcake and family.
Thank You for your lovely hat pattern. This will be used to make hats for the church donations for chemo patients. Our group Thanks You.
This is the cutest hat ever!! I am going to make these for everyone I know.
I made one for my 16 month old daughter! It turned out so cute, thanks for the pattern.
Like so many others, I crochet hats for charity. I get bored making the same pattern over and over, so I really appreciate your pattern. It's unique and your directions are so easy to follow - not to mention the added benefit of being able to use all those scraps we all accumulate. Thanks so much!
Thank you So much for another gorgeous pattern! You are So talented and very generous. Your generousity will come back to you, just as you've given out!
leanne - USA
I'm making this hat for my friend who is going through chemo for leukemia right now. Thanks for sharing the cute pattern! It's fun to make, too! Lots of variety and color, and I like that. =)
Brilliant idea for scraps of wool.This is just what I was looking for,rather than the usual skull caps/brimmed hats.My 4YO will love it,Thanks for the pattern :)
So, my lame question is...when starting the daisy, it says to stitch into a many are in the chain that make the circle? Is it the standard 8 or something else? Sorry for the ignorance...
i love this hat it is adorable.. i decided to make a few to donate to a charity that collects items for homeless kids. I hope this is alright. Thank you for the pattern posting.
I can't believe it took me this long to find this hat! It is so cute! I am going to make one for my sister with non-scrap yarn because she LOVES daisies...and green is her favorite color. She is flamboyant enough to create her own fashion trends. Maybe your pattern will become the thing to wear here in Pittsburgh, PA!!! I promise I will make a bunch for the ladies in the chemo lab where I used to get my treatments. Thank you so much for such a wonderful idea!!!
Love the hat, but I am making it and when it comes to the 1-6 row, how many chains do I make? It seems abit unclear to me. from the picture it has a spiral at the crown but the directions seem confusing. can u help here?
Idaho crocheter
This is the cutest hat i've seen yet. I'm making tons of them and donating them to cancer centers in my area. Even though my hair grew back from the effects of chemo, I'm going to make the head band for myself.
thanks again!!!!!!!
I'm making chemo hats for our area cancer center. This pattern should make a nice change from our usual patterns. Thanks
Love the beanie. I had loads of scraps & was waiting for inspiration of what to do with them. You are an answer to prayer. I'm having fun & making good use of the odds & ends. Twice a winner. Thanks soooo much for the pattern.
Hi there - Yvette in Toowoomba here - I belong to Knitting for Brisbane's Needy - which now gives crocheted and knitted items to homeless and needy people, as well as women's refuges, young mums organisations, most states in Australia! Nothing we make is ever sold, but given freely to whoever needs something warm! We are a Yahoo group - may I have your permission to upload your pattern to our group's files for members to use ? It is so pretty! is my email address for reply!
Hi-Carolyn from the United States here. Found your pattern for this cute hat. You said your item could be used for limited fundraising. Our group makes quilts for giving across the world, locally and also to babies and people in need in our church. We usually do one fundraiser a year to help us purchase fabric. It is done in the confines of our church. May we make a few (about 6)of this to sell for this purpose? thanks Carolyn
Found this super cute pattern while looking for hats to make for Christmas. I have four little girls to make hats and scarves for, and this is absolutely perfect. Wonderful pattern!
Love that you included both sets of instructions--makes it easier to understand (and to learn the stitches one isn't familiar with!) when the pattern is written in another method.
Melissa, northern New York State
I made this hat only using one color (light purple) for the flowers and background and it turned out very cute. The flowers are still apparent, but they don't stand out. Thanks for the pattern.
Adorable hats!!!
Hey Cupcake,
Greetings from the USA!
Thanks so much for this hat pattern, which I thought would look great on my sister and my daughter. I am a tad confused on if I am supposed to crochet 7 or 8 daisies? You mentioned it in the directions that I should crochet 8 and then when attaching them together 7. If you could clarify that would be great!
M from USA
May I just say, YOU ROCK!!!!! I love your idea of pay it forward. I think I will make a few for charity. Thanks for the idea!!!! ANd thanks for the pattern!!!!
Thank you so much , very creative!!!!
Thank you for another great pattern to try. Will happily test this one out, I love the colours too.
I'm in love! This is my next project.
So cute! I want to try this for sure! thank you so much for sharing!
I'm posting a link to your pattern over at Crochet Every Day ( and I will definitely send you a picture of my finished product. Thanks!
I just made this beanie! Email me if you want a pic. gloriak82 at gmail dot com
Hello. Just wanted to let you know I love this hat. I've been looking all day for a cute hat to make my 3 year old daughter, this was by far my favorit. I haven't started to make it yet but hope to start soon...
I just finished hats and neckwarmers to give as Christmas gifts to my mom and sisters, so I had a lot of scrap yarn. This beanie pattern was perfect for my niece, and for using up the leftover yarn - thanks!
Soo cute. I'm trying to learn how to crochet for my new grand-daughter but my boyfriend has actually mastered the craft. lol! I'm going to see if I can talk him into trying this as soon as he finishes the blanket he's working on!
thanks for your patterns, they are really really nice, i hope i can do them as good as u did, i love knitting and crochet too. kind regards from spain
I've been going to town with this pattern in the past week! I've just learned to crochet and am quite addicted. I've made three of your Daisy Chain Beanies which I've put on Ravelry here:
And also on my blog (with a bit of a gush about your Etsy shop):
Great pattern, thanks for offering it for free! I look forward to buying more patterns from your Etsy shop soon.
Thank you for the beautiful pattern! I will be making them to donate to cancer charities.
I love this! I am going to use the Daisy chain to make a scarf for my daughter! Her name is Daisy!
I love this friends and I are making hats for the oncology clinic at the childrens hospital. We have been trying to find cute patterns for these hats and this one made the list :) thanks for sharing!
I just love this so much!!!!! Thank u for sharing this with all of us! You are a wonderful designer and crocheter!!
Much Love,
Chrissie, Utah, USA
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