March 21 is Harmony day. This is a day where we celebrate the diversity of our community. It is celebrated on this day as the 21st March is also known as Human rights day and Sharpeville Day in remembrance of the Sharpeville massacre in South Africa in 1960.
The Living in Harmony program was established in 1998 and administered by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. The Diverse Australia Program is designed to highlight cultural issues for all Australian citizens, and give all Australian's collective goals to reduce racism within Australia, such as:
· Take a stand against racism, prejudice and intolerance;
· Help build a peaceful and productive future for our children by setting an example of how to live in harmony, making the most of our racial, cultural, social and religious diversity; and
· Put into practice the best of traditional Australian values - justice, equality, fairness and friendship.
· Celebrate Australia's many successes as a diverse and harmonious multicultural society;
· Re-commit to our common values of respect and goodwill towards our fellow Australian's of all backgrounds;
· Say 'no' to racism.
· Take a stand against racism, prejudice and intolerance;
· Help build a peaceful and productive future for our children by setting an example of how to live in harmony, making the most of our racial, cultural, social and religious diversity; and
· Put into practice the best of traditional Australian values - justice, equality, fairness and friendship.
· Celebrate Australia's many successes as a diverse and harmonious multicultural society;
· Re-commit to our common values of respect and goodwill towards our fellow Australian's of all backgrounds;
· Say 'no' to racism.

March 21 is also my birthday, and I treated myself recently to some gorgeous yarn I found at Lincraft in Brisbane. The yarn is called "surprise" and is full a happy colours which remind me of the harmony day banner. I had to think what to make it into and finally came up with this wrap. The outrageous cheery colours are fabulous and this yarn is super soft.
All of these colours come out of the ball so I guess that is why the call it "Surprise".
So here is the pattern for what I have called my "Harmony Wrap". It is a little out there, but hey it is a lot of fun. The increases make the wrap fan out and provide a nice stretchy shaped edge which allows for flexibility in how you tie it. I hope you enjoy it as much I do!
Harmony Wrap
© crochetroo Australia, this pattern is for your personal use only. Please do not reproduce, resell, load to the web or make items to sell
NOTE: Australian UK terms are first/ USA terms second = tr/dc
The yarn is called surprise from Lincraft and I used 2 balls. Each ball has about 160 metre and a thickness of about 9wpi. Any variegated yarn will do however this yarn has a lovely soft feel and a bright array of colours. It reminds me of the diversity in the Harmony Day banner.
Hook H8/ 5mm
Shell = (2tr/dc 2ch 2tr/dc) worked into the 2ch sp of previous row.
The yarn is called surprise from Lincraft and I used 2 balls. Each ball has about 160 metre and a thickness of about 9wpi. Any variegated yarn will do however this yarn has a lovely soft feel and a bright array of colours. It reminds me of the diversity in the Harmony Day banner.
Hook H8/ 5mm
Shell = (2tr/dc 2ch 2tr/dc) worked into the 2ch sp of previous row.
1. Start with a 6ch, slst join into a loop. 1ch start then 12dc/sc into ring, slst join.
2. 5ch start (counts as 1 tr/dc 2ch throughout), (1tr/dc 2ch) into next st 9times = 10 posts TURN
3. 5ch start, (1tr/dc 2ch) into ch sp 4 times, into next ch sp ( 2tr/dc 2ch 2tr/dc) shell, 2ch then repeat (1tr/dc 2ch) into next 4 ch sp, 1tr/dc into 3rd ch of start ch, TURN.
4. 5ch start, (1tr/dc 2ch) into ch sp, work shell into shell sp, then continue 2ch, (1tr/dc 2ch) into ch sp till end, 1tr/dc into 3rd ch of start ch, TURN, repeat this row for 5, 6 and 7.
8. 5ch start, *(1tr/dc 2ch) into ch sp 4 times, into next ch sp ( 2tr/dc 2ch 2tr/dc) shell into next sp*, 2ch* repeat *-* around giving you 3 shells in the row, finish row as before with 1tr/dc into 3rd ch of start ch, TURN .
9 – 12 work as before with a shell in each of the 3 shells in each round
13. Repeat row 8 = 7 shells
Continue pattern on these stitches for approx 13 rounds = 26 in total or until you are almost out of yarn.
Last round. 1dc/sc into first sp, 20ch 1dc/sc same sp, then * (3ch 1dc/sc) each space till you reach shell (1dc/sc 20 ch 1dc/sc) in shell space*, repeat from * - * till end of row, work (1dc/sc 20 ch 1dc/sc) in last loop.
Continue to work along side edge of rows with (3ch 1dc/sc) each space till you reach the start, slst join into first dc/sc, weave in ends.
Holding each 20 ch loop in half, tie a knot.
You can tie the corners across the back and achieve a shrug like effect. I ended up sewing a button onto one of the corners to make it hold.
Enjoy wearing your harmony wrap and remember to be inclusive and harmonous all year round.(c) crochetroo Australia