To crochet a budgie is not exactly straight forward. That is unless you want a generic looking bird with a beak stuck on its face. It took me a while to work out the beak, and the tail. Mine are a bit stockier than the real thing, but then they have what I now call the Aussiegurumi look. Why should the Japanese be the only ones who can cutesy up any critter to the stage of non identification?
The domesticated budgie has changed a lot from its original appearance; it is now more than three times the size of its ancestor.
Colours to try when making budgies include yellows, greens, grey, white, blues, turquoise, cobalt and lavenders. I basically used scraps for these. You will never see red in a budgie except for the eyes. My son reckons if you feed white budgies red food colouring you can get pink ones. I find this hard to believe, but he says this works. Breeders try to get a necklace of back spots on the neck. Budgie nostrils are called the cere and males have blue, females have pink – brown. Every year we go to the Ekka and check out the budgie breeders pavilion. The prize birds are pretty amazing.
I have a flock of these in my lounge room, and may have to start smuggling them out of the country. The term budgie smuggler is a funny one. The thought of a budgie squished down the front of a pair of speedos is an amusing one. I feel sorry for the budgie!
We have so many native birds here it was hard to know where to start. The Corella, galah, lorikeet, rosella, cockatoo and kookaburra are common visitors to our bird feeder on the deck. In fact some mornings they drive me nuts with the noise they make in the gum trees. Of course then there is the mess they leave on the deck and the washing. I have a mission to try and design a few more of our Aussie birds in crochet. The colours are magnificant!
Thanks for looking, I hope you like my budgies. If you want the pattern it is available at
(c)crochetroo. Images are also protected by copyright.
What a nice crochet blog you have! I have just started my own, only in Swedsh though, but take a look at the pictures :)
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree-ee,
Would you make a pattern just for me-ee...
.....Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra! Gay your life must be...... he just needs to come out of the cupboard first! ;o)
Your budgies turned out very nice they look just like the actual birds.
What a lovely bunch of birds you have outside your window ;) Really, though, I like them a lot!
Those are fabulous!
Wow you are good!!!!
OMG sooooo cute!!!
your budgies are great! look just like my real one. will buy pattern when i finish with the ones i'm crocheting now. echidnas also very realistic--saw my first one in the wild in oct.--just had to follow it into the bush to check it out closer up.
Could I please get your email address so I can write to you and request a copy of your budgerigars pattern, it is sold out on Etsy. I must have it, they are so adorable. PLEASE RESPOND. Sherry
You are an artist!! I loved your crochet works an the colours yu used. Congratulations!
Oooh...! LOVE it! But didn't you forgt te black bars on the back of its head.....?
Anyways I'm absolutely in LOVE wih it, thanks!
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