Well for some time now I have wanted to design a koala square. A koala granny doesn't sound right, but I guess there must be a few old Koala girls who live long enough to be a "granny"
While koalas are intrinsically cute, their colour grey isn't so I had to liven them up a bit with bright surrounds.

So after trying to figure out how to do a koala square I ended up with a few of them that I decided to turn some into pot holders. A few of these have been raoked os to some very special people. I like my koalas to go to good homes.
These I backed with a basic granny pattern that I rather like. The colours of this one are reminiscent of indigenous art and the beautiful colours of the outback.
And once I had the hang of the koala square I decided I would make a Koala Komfort Pram Rug. I have no idea what I will do with this as I cant see grandchildren on the horizon for many years, however I do think it turned out cute.
The colours were all left overs from other projects and have a nice earthy tone. I also like the gender neutrality of this one. I guess I could keep on koala-ing and make it bigger, but I think the koala suits a pram rug rather nicely. I felt a basic granny was all that was needed here to alternate amidst the koala faces. The green has a nice eucalyptus gum tree colour, and the yellow is like wattle.
You can also see Buster my avatar koala sitting quite comfortably in the garden.
Any good ideas for what else I can koala-ise?
Thanks for Looking!
Achei seu blog numa busca do blogger...adorei seus squares...e esse coala que lindo...adorei seus trabalhos...são lindos!
Querendo me visitar é só ir ao meu blog http://fazendocroche.blogspot.com
Vânia Dias
Oh my! How adorable! Those potholders are just too cute!
Cupcake, those are unbelievably cute!! I just love the carriage cover, it is perfect for either boy or girl and the colours are beautiful!
Muy bonito tu blog, gracias por compartirlo. Eva.
Those all look adorable, I love the blanket!
While on the idea of babies, how about blocks? They are great soft toys and the Koalas would be adorable! Great job!
So, so adorable! I love your koalas! And the backing granny square for the potholders is lovely, too. Your colour choices are fab!
Susan, this is soooo pretty! Both the potholders, and of course the rug too! You are so talented! It´s a pleasure visiting your blog! ;)
Oh my heavens, those are darling! I absolutely love that little afghan. You just do the most wonderful stuff.
Did I tell you, I not only made my mom one of the teapot cozies, but made one for my own Brown Betty? I'm thinking I'll need to make each of us at least one more, so we can switch them as desired. Thanks so much for sharing some of your patterns, they're marvelous.
Oh my I love it!!! You have amazing talent truly. I hope that you can share this pattern , for purchase or free, because I really want to make one!- Mary
Wooowwww.... koala squares...what a great idea!!! And the blanket is so cute!!!
I really loved te idea!
Kisses from Portugal!
These are just soooo adorable, almost as adorable as your koala family!!
I will PM you with a response to your question about the shortbread cookies on my blog.
Thanks for looking!!
aww they are so cute! I love all the colours you used in the pram rug! and the colours you used in the potholders with the leftover yarn from the teapot-cozy wasn't it? I always loved the colours of it which yarn is it?
wow! i really love the rug/blanket. i am new to crocheting however have been knitting for many years. i collect koalas and am google eyed over your blanket! i would absolutely love it if i could have the pattern but wud respect your wishes not to let me use it as i have put a lot of time in my projects also. if you wudnt mind i wud love to have the pattern. thnks
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