Sunday, May 28, 2006

Scallop Tea Cosy Instructions








Scallop Tea Cosy 


(Australian, English Instructions)


(c) 2006. Pattern not to be reproduced. While I am happy for you to make these for personal use, gifts and charity fundraising, do not sell to make a personal profit. crochetroo Australia

Large Pot
8 ply yarn
Size 8 or 4mm hook

Leaving a thread of about 30cm, chain 39

Row 1
Miss 5ch make *(1tr, 1ch, 1tr) into next ch, 2ch, miss 2ch, 1dc into next chain, 2ch, miss 2ch. Repeat from 8 across row finishing in a dc. You should have 6 treble V groups. Turn.

Row 2
1ch, 1dc into last dc of previous row. *Working around treble of V below, work 6fptr, 1ch turn work so that the V is sideways, and the point facing right. Work up 2nd tr post of V work 6fptr; 1 dc into next dc. Repeat across from * You should have 6 scallops and finish on a dc in to the 3rd ch of the first 5ch of row 1. Turn. The trick is in the front post treble. You need to work down the first treble from top to bottom, then up the second one from bottom to top.

Row 3
1ch 1dc into first dc. Ch2, *(1 tr, 1ch, 1tr) into next 1ch space between V, 2ch, 1dc into next dc, 2ch, Repeat from * across row finishing in a dc.

(Note: I have been doing these for so long I find it hard to explain, but this bit seems to trick people up. There are basically 2 rows, the V row which is the base row, and the scallop row. As you work you will end up with a definate right and wrong side.
On the 3rd row you do a ch 1, 1dc in the last dc of the row below. This will give you a firm edge for when you join this up. Do 2 ch, and then into the space made between your scallops you do 1tr 1ch 1tr. This forms a V. If the scallop row wasnt there you would see that all the Vs are on top of each other. Then do 2 ch and 1dc into the dc between the scallops. The scallops will point down so you are actually looking at the back of the tr. It gets easier as you go along and the fabric takes shape.)

Row 4 as for row 2.

Work 12 rows scallops (24 rows). To achieve a striped effect do 2 rows of each colour.
Leave a thread of about 30 cm on last row.

Make 2 pieces the same.

The back should look like this.
Using the starter thread, stitch sides together at bottom for 2 scallops catching dc only. Repeat at the top. You may need to stitch more depending on your pot size. You should have 1 hole at each side of the rectangle for the spout and handle.

Using double thread, crochet approx 60 cm of chain. Thread this through the 2nd last row behind the V and in front of the dc. Pull tight and make a bow.

Put the kettle on, and make a nice pot of tea knowing it will stay warm for hours.

Small Pot
Chain 33, and work with 5 treble Vs

Work 8 rows scallops

If you are unsure of how many stitches I make a chain of 27, 33, 39, 45.

Each 6 chain will give you one scallop. I measure this against the thickest part of the pot.

Make as many scallops as required until you have the height of the pot.

If it is a very small pot, say less than 5 scallops, I do 5 treble in each post instead of 6.

Scallop Tea Cosy

(American Instructions)
(c) 2006. Pattern not to be reproduced. While I am happy for you to make these for personal use, gifts and charity fundraising, do not sell to make a personal profit. crochetroo Australia

Size G (4mm) hook and worsted weight yarn.

Leaving a thread of about 12 inches, chain 39

Row 1
Miss 5ch make *(1dc, 1ch, 1dc) into next ch, 2ch, miss 2ch, 1sc into next chain, 2ch, miss 2ch. Repeat from 8 across row finishing in a sc. You should have 6 dc V groups. Turn.

Row 2
1ch, 1sc into last sc of previous row. *Working around dc of V below, work 6fpdc, 1ch turn work so that V is sideways and the point facing right. Work up 2nd dc post of V work 6fpdc then 1sc into next sc. Repeat across from *. You should have 6 scallops and finish on a sc in to the 3rd ch of the first 5ch of row 1. Turn.
The trick is in the front post double crochet. You need to work down the first dc from top to bottom, then up the second dc from bottom to top.

Row 3
1ch 1sc into first sc. Ch2, *(1dc, 1ch, 1dc) into next 1ch space between V, 2ch, 1sc into next sc, 2ch, Repeat from * across row finishing in a sc.
(note: This bit seems to trick people up. I have been doing these for so long I find it hard to explain, I am really sorry. There are basically 2 rows, the V row which is the base row, and the scallop row. As you work you will end up with a definate right and wrong side.
On the 3rd row you do a ch 1, 1sc in the sc of the row below. This will give you a firm edge for when you join this up. Do 2 ch, and then into the space made between your scallops you do 1dc 1ch 1dc. This forms a V. If the scallop row wasnt there you would see that all the Vs are on top of each other. Then do 2 ch and 1sc into the sc between the scallops. The scallops will point down so you are actually looking at the back of the dc. It gets easier as you go along and the fabric takes shape.)

Row 4 as for row 2.

Work 12 rows scallops (24 rows). To achieve a striped effect do 2 rows of each colour.
Leave a thread of about 12inches on last row.

Make 2 pieces the same. Using the starter thread, stitch sides together at bottom for 2 scallops catching dc only. Repeat at the top. You may need to stitch more depending on your pot size. You should have 1 hole at each side of the rectangle for the spout and handle.

Using double thread, crochet approx 24 inches of chain. Thread this through the 2nd last row behind the V and in front of the sc. Pull tight and make a bow.

Put the kettle on, and make a nice pot of tea knowing it will stay warm for hours.

Small Pot

Chain 33, and work with 5 double crochet Vs

Work 8 rows scallops

If you are unsure of how many stitches I make a chain of 27, 33, 39, 45.

Each 6 chain will give you one scallop. I measure this against the thickest part of the pot.

Make as many scallops as required until you have the height of the pot.

If it is a very small pot, say less than 5 scallops, I do 5 double crochet in each post instead of 6.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Tea cosy

I am mad on the good old cup of tea. The perfect remedy for any situation. Always tastes better in a teacup with a saucer.

Has to be brewed in a pot, and the pot has to have a tea cosy.

I have been making these tea cosies for yonks. Funny how you have a pattern in the old noggon, which seems so simple, but writing it down on paper takes a whole new dimension. I do like this pattern as it is so simple once you get the hang of it, and looks so effective in different colours.

I have had my instructions tested by some very kind crochetmates, and now all I need to do is tidy it up a bit. I know some folks are keen to get their hands on this, but I am new to this pattern game and it does involve a bit of effort... so while you wait, put the billy on and make a brew.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Fan Bookmark

Fan Bookmarks

(While I am happy for you to make these for personal use, gifts and charity fundraising, please do not sell to make a personal profit)

(c) crochetroo

Pattern not to be reproduced by any means.

Coats 40 crochet cotton , or DMC coton perle 8
Hook 1.25mm

Australian - English Instructions
(c) crochetroo
Leaving a 10cm thread join make 8 ch and join with a sl st to form a ring.

Fan 1
Row 1. Into loop work: (1dc 2ch) counts as first treble, 13 tr (14 in all) TURN.

Row 2. Work (1dc 2ch) into first treble, work 1ch 1tr into each tr of row 1. (= 14tr and 13 1ch spaces) TURN

Row 3. Working into 1 chain space of row 2, make (1dc, 2ch, 1dc) 10 times. (This forms a picot). Into the next (11th space) work 1dc, then 5ch , skip 3 spaces and work 1dc into 2nd ch of first tr post of row 2. TURN. (This completes fan 1)

Fan 2
Row 4. Into 5ch space work (1dc 2ch) counts as first tr, 13tr (14 in all) then skip 1 picot of 3rd row and then 1dc into next picot 2 ch space TURN.

Row 5. Work (1dc 2ch) into first tr, work 1ch, 1tr into each tr of row 4. (= 14tr and 13 1ch spaces) TURN

Row 6. (Same as row 3) Working into 1ch space of row 5 make (1dc, 2ch, 1dc) 10 times. (This forms a picot). Into the next (11th space) work 1dc, then 5ch , skip 3 spaces and work 1dc into 2nd ch of first tr post of previous row. (This completes fan 2) TURN.

Fan 3
Row 7. (Same as row 4) Into 5ch space work (1dc 2ch) counts as first tr, 13tr (14 in all) then skip 1 picot of 3rd row and then 1dc into next picot 2 ch space TURN.

Row 8. Work (1dc 2 ch) into first treble, work 1ch, 1tr into each tr of row 7. (= 14tr and 13, 1ch spaces) before turning work 1dc into 7th picot of row 3 of fan 1. This is now the 7th from the left or 4th from the right. TURN

Row 9. (Same as row 3) Working into 1ch space of row 5 work (1dc, 2ch, 1dc) 10 times. (This forms a picot). Into the next (11th space) work 1dc, then 5ch , skip 3 spaces and work 1dc into 2nd ch of first tr post of previous row. (This completes fan 3) TURN.

Continue in this way until you have made 8 fans.

On last row make a picot in all 13 spaces, then secure with 1 dc into the 7th picot of row 3 of fan 6. This is now the 7th from the left or fourth from the right. Cut thread and weave in end.

To make a tassel cut 5 threads each 20cm long. Fold in half and loop through starting loop. I include the beginning thread with this.

I then spray starch and iron to make stiff.

American instructions
(c) crochetroo
Leaving a 4inch thread join make 8ch and join with a sl st to form a ring.

Fan 1
Row 1. Into loop work: (1sc 2ch) counts as first dc, 13 dc (14 in all) TURN.

Row 2. Work (1sc 2ch) into first dc, work 1ch 1dc into each dc of row 1. (= 14dc and 13 1ch spaces) TURN

Row 3. Working into 1 chain space of row 2, make (1sc, 2ch, 1sc) 10 times. (This forms a picot). Into the next (11th space) work 1sc, then 5ch, skip 3 spaces and work 1sc into 2nd ch of first dc post of row 2. TURN. (This completes fan 1)

Fan 2
Row 4. Into 5ch space work (1sc 2ch) counts as first dc, 13 dc (14 in all) then skip 1 picot of 3rd row and then 1sc into next picot 2ch space TURN.

Row 5. Work (1sc 2ch) into first dc, work 1ch, 1dc into each dc of row 4. (= 14dc and 13 1ch spaces) TURN

Row 6. (Same as row 3) Working into 1ch space of row 5 make (1sc, 2ch, 1sc) 10 times. (This forms a picot). Into the next (11th space) work 1sc, then 5ch , skip 3 spaces and work 1sc into 2nd ch of first dc post of previous row. (This completes fan 2) TURN.

Fan 3
Row 7. (Same as row 4) Into 5ch space work (1sc 2ch) counts as first dc, 13 dc (14 in all) then skip 1 picot of 3rd row and then 1sc into next picot 2ch space TURN.

Row 8. Work (1sc 2 ch) into first dc, work 1ch, 1dc into each dc of row 7. (= 14dc and 13, 1ch spaces) before turning work 1sc into 7th picot of row 3 of fan 1. This is now the 7th from the left or 4th from the right. TURN

Row 9. (Same as row 3) Working into 1ch space of row 5 work (1sc, 2ch, 1sc) 10 times. (This forms a picot). Into the next (11th space) work 1sc, then 5ch , skip 3 spaces and work 1sc into 2nd ch of first dc post of previous row. (This completes fan 3) TURN.

Continue in this way until you have made 8 fans.

On last row make a picot in all 13 spaces, then secure with 1sc into the 7th picot of row 3 of fan 6. This is now the 7th from the left or fourth from the right. Cut thread and weave in end.

To make a tassel cut 5 threads each 4inches long. Fold in half and loop through starting loop. I include the beginning thread with this.

I then spray starch and iron to make stiff.

I make these for the school fete. I also did a heap at Christmas to put in the cards, and have a few on hand as a "Thank - yous" and Birthday Gifts, Mothers Day etc.They sell like crazy at charity fundraisers. I enjoy making them in different colours, and mount them on a piece of card with some words scribbled on. ala Happy Reading, Thinking of you etc.. Depends how soppy I am feeling .

While I am happy for you to make these for personal use, gifts and charity fundraising, please do not sell to make a personal profit.

Do have fun tho, as they are quick and easy once you get the hang of the fans. As a gift they are always appreciated.

Please respect my copyright. I post this as I love to share, but it is bad karma to copy paste, sell, or reproduce this pattern.


So what is a crochetroo? It is remotely related to a cockatoo, however genetic mutations have meant that crochetroo cant fly, only crochet. Probably just as well as I remember my Nana telling me never to run with scissors, so I guess you shouldn't fly with a crochet hook. So what does a crochetroo do? Well that is any ones' guess. As the first post on a fresh blog this is really a test to see if I can get it right. And if I stuff it up, then crochetroo may never come to be.