Friday, April 25, 2008

ANZAC DAY April 25

"They shall grow not old,

as we that are left grow old;

Age shall not weary them,

nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them."

Laurence Binyon (1869–1943).
In remembrance of all who have served and all who have fallen so we may live in democracy.

May the ANZAC spirit live on. Lest we Forget...

I always remember my grandpa getting up to attend the dawn service when I was a kid. He would drag out his medals and the old army coat and march down Queen Street in Brisbane with his chest puffed out. Years later my Father in law did the same. Both have passed on now, but I always stop to think about them on ANZAC DAY. I cant remember my grandads birthday, but I can never forget his pride in being an ANZAC. I appreciate this so much more as I get older. I don't think I ever really appreciated what it meant when I was a kid.


  1. Your Broch are wonderful. I love the red-black one and the buttom blossom broch. Congratulations. See you later.

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