Sunday, May 21, 2006


So what is a crochetroo? It is remotely related to a cockatoo, however genetic mutations have meant that crochetroo cant fly, only crochet. Probably just as well as I remember my Nana telling me never to run with scissors, so I guess you shouldn't fly with a crochet hook. So what does a crochetroo do? Well that is any ones' guess. As the first post on a fresh blog this is really a test to see if I can get it right. And if I stuff it up, then crochetroo may never come to be.


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hello creative cupcake! I was tickled pink to find your blog... (it was your gorgeous pears that first attracted me)... because I myself am a crochetroo!!! Well, my name is Roo (as in Piglet and Pooh) and i absolutely love to crochet. Mostly I make beanies for friends, family, everyone...lots and lots of colourful stripey beanies with odds and ends of op-shop yarn. Yes, I live in chilly Melbourne. But in the height of summer I diversify and look for inspiration on lovely blogs like yours.
    So there you have it - a real live crochetroo...and it's true, you should never fly with a crochet hook, unless of course it's plastic :)

  2. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Thanks for the beautiful and unique bookmarkers. I've been crocheting for 60 years, my grannie taught me. I want to make these for the best people in the world to work with, my former office friends. They helped me thru an enormous emotional time in my life with love and caring. I was just a temp worker and they stood with me and by me as if I were one of their own.
